Measuring effective temperatures in a generalized Gibbs ensemble
Laura Foini  1@  , Andrea Gambassi  2  , Robert Konik  3  , Leticia Cugliandolo  4  
1 : Ecole Normale Supérieure - Paris  (LPS-ENS)
CNRS : UMR8550
2 : SISSA - International School for Advanced Studies and INFN
3 : CMPMS Division, Brookhaven National Laboratory
4 : Sorbonne Universités, Université Pierre et Marie Curie – Paris 6
Université Paris VI - Pierre et Marie Curie

The local physical properties of an isolated quantum statistical system in the stationary state reached long after a quench are generically described by the Gibbs ensemble, which involves only its Hamiltonian and the temperature as a parameter. If the system is instead integrable, additional quantities conserved by the dynamics intervene in the description of the stationary state. The resulting generalized Gibbs ensemble involves a number of temperature-like parameters, the determination of which is practically difficult. Here we argue that in a number of simple models these parameters can be effectively determined by using fluctuation-dissipation relationships between response and correlation functions of natural observables, quantities which are accessible in experiments.


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