Poster session

We are expecting an exciting poster session, programmed on Thursday 9th February just before the gala dinner with maximum attendance.

Standard rules apply for poster size: the poster size should not exceed  A0  (width: 84.1cm / 33.1 inch, hight:118.9cm / 46.8 inch) and should be  in portrait format.

The  poster  boards  will  be  available  for  you  during  the  whole conference. Posters may be put up from 08:00 on Wednesday  8th of February and should be removed by 18:00 on Friday 10th of February. Posters should be mounted on the assigned board. The number of your poster  which can be found bellow will be on the poster board assigned to your poster.
If you have any problem with putting your poster, please, do not hesitate to ask for help at the conference reception desk.


List of posters

Soft matter and biophysics


P1.Atamas NataliiaStructural and dynamic features of ionic liquids solutions with aromatic hydrocarbons
P2.Beelen CharlotteLarge Deviation Properties of RNA Neutral Set Size
P3.Hobrecht HendrikTesting conformal invariance in near-critical colloidal suspensions
P4.Lopes Cardozo DavidDirect calculation of the critical Casimir force by simulation of a binary fluid
P5.Naert AntoineGranular gas experiments to investigate Non-Equilibrium Steady States
P6.Paradies HenrichPhases and colloidal quasicrystals of lipid A-phosphate structures
P7.Puibasset JoelMechanical response of a nanopore saturated with fluid: molecular simulation results


 Classical out-of-equilibrium systems


P8.Akinci UmitMultiple hysteresis behaviors in spin models
P9.Albert SamuelUnveiling a critical point in glasses through high order non-linear measurements
P10.Angelone AdrianoSuperglass phase of interaction-blockaded gases on a triangular lattice
P11.Bellon LudovicThe quest for the missing noise in a micro-mechanical system out of equilibrium
P12.Brey JavierWork, work fluctuations, and free energy from kinetic theory
P13.Bupathy ArunkumarAnisotropic domain growth in the d=3 Ising model with dipolar interactions
P14.Burda ZdzislawApplications of maximal entropy random walk
P15.Cornu FrancoiseFirst passage fluctuation relations rules by cycle affinities
P16.Crauste-Thibierge CarolineDielectric Spectroscopy of a Stretched Polymer Glass: Heterogeneous Dynamics and Plasticity
P17.Demery VincentCooperativity and laning of driven tracers
P18.Duclut CharlieLangevin equations for reaction-diffusion processes
P19.Lecomte VivienDynamical symmetry breaking and phase transitions in driven diffusive systems
P20.Guioth JulesExploring contact between out of equilibrium systems in steady states -- The question of non-equilibrium Intensive Thermodynamic Parameters
P21.Henkel MalteDiffusion-limited erosion and its non-local meta-conformal symmetries
P22.Ivanova EllaMulti-loop calculation of critical exponents in the model A of critical dynamics
P23.Juhasz RobertMixed-order phase transition of the contact process near multiple junctions
P24.Koning JesperEngines with ideal efficiency and nonzero power for sublinear transport laws
P25.Kozhevnikov VasilyHybrid kinetic-liquid model of high-pressure gas discharge
P26.Pelizzola AlessandroCluster variational method for stochastic dynamics
P27.Polettini MatteoNonequibrium response of stalling systems
P28.Ruziska Flavia M.Susceptible--infected--recovered model with recurrent infection.
P29.Sastre FranciscoNon-equilibrium dynamics of Ising-like systems at the critical point: a cuda implementation
P30.Shukla VishwanathSticking transition in a minimal model for the collisions of active particles in quantum fluids
P31.Tamm MikhailToy model of geometrical competition in needle crystal growth
P32.Valba OlgaPaths counting on simple graphs: from escape to localization
P33.Vatansever ErolNonequilibrium phase transition properties and frequency dispersions of hysteresis curves of a cubic core/shell nanoparticle system: A Monte Carlo Simulation study
P34.Yuksel YusufA simulational study of exchange anisotropy in magnetic nanoparticles in the presence of dynamic magnetic fields


Disordered  systems



P35.Agoritsas ElisabethScalings, saddle points and Gaussian variational method revisited for the 1D interface in random media
P36.Bhandari PreetiPhase diagram of a two dimensional electron glass
P37.Demir Vatansever ZeynepFinite Temperature Magnetic Properties of the Quenched Disordered Binary Alloy Nanowire: A Monte-Carlo Simulation Study
P38.Kanbur UlviQuantum Monte Carlo Simulation of Antiferromagnetic Binary Alloy System with Random Exchange Interactions
P39.Korei RekaPhase transition in the fracture process of heterogeneous materials under unloading
P40.Margiotta RiccardoGlassy dynamics and localization on complex energy landscapes: a random matrix perspective beyond mean field.
P41.Merabia SamyThermally-activated creep and fluidization in flowing disordered materials
P42.Schnabel StefanLocal energy minima of the three-dimensional Edwards-Anderson spin-glass model
P43.Yuste AbelUsing Random Boundary Conditions to simulate disordered quantum spin models in 2D-systems


Frustrated systems  &  topological phases



P44.Kolafa JiriBjerrum defects as topological charges and the residual entropy of ices
P45.Krcmar RomanEight-vertex model in a field
P46.Louvet ThibaudOn the disorder-driven transition in d=3 semimetals
P47.Makhfudz ImamSignatures of topological phase transition in 3d topological insulators from dynamical axion response
P48.Raban ValentinFluctuation-dissipation relation in spin ice
P49.Roberts DavidNoise Amplification In a Topological Quantum Memory


General statistical physics


P50.Budkov YuryThe modified Poisson-Boltzmann equation: Explicit account of the polarizable co-solvent
P51.Erdem RizaDynamic quadrupolar susceptibility for the spin-1 Blume-Emery-Griffiths model
P52.Fuchizaki KazuhiroAn efficient way to determine a phase boundary
P53.Gomez-Estevez Juan LuisAdditivity of the potential of mean force: Mayer's theory and computer simulation
P54.Kapfer SebastianTwo-step melting in Two Dimensions with Long-ranged forces
P55.Krasnytska MarianaMarginal dimensions of the Potts model with invisible states
P56.Krcmar Romanvon Neumann entropy in classical statistical mechanics
P57.Moreno Hilario ElizabethExpansion Coefficients Evaluation of the Free Energy at High Temperatures using Micro-canonical Numerical Simulations.
P58.Moumni MustaphaBetween Order and Disorder in Yang-Mills System


Interdisciplinary topics


P50.Bouadi MarouaneThe investigation of the lateral interaction in cellular automaton traffic flow model with open boundaries
P60.Gong ChenSymmetry Breaking in the Formation of Two Clusters with the Nonlinear Mean Field Kuramoto Model
P61.Javarone Marco AlbertoAn Evolutionary Perspective on the Costs and Benefits of Innovation
P62.Javarone Marco AlbertoSharp Transitions in the Evolutionary Dynamics of Group Formation
P63.Lestang ThibaultLarge deviations algorithms applied to the simulation of extreme drag fluctuations on obstacles in turbulent flows.
P64.Renaud AntoineEquilibrium statistical mechanics and energy partition for the shallow water model
P65.Schertzer DanielMultifractal analysis and simulation of spatial chaos, applications to geophysics
P66.Warchol PiotrDysonian dynamics of the Ginibre ensemble
P67.Woillez EricExplicit computation of Reynolds stresses through statistical mechanics approaches



Machine learning  &  Neural networks



P68.Catania GiovanniStorage properties and hard-spheres packing in perceptron and support vector machines
P69.Glielmo AldoMachine Learning of Quantum Forces: building accurate force fields via "covariant" kernels
P70.Hartmann AlexanderPhase transition in detecting causal relationships from obervational and interventional data
P71.Niven RobertMaximum Entropy Analysis of Potential-Driven Flow and Transportation Networks
P72.Pinneri CristinaSite Belief Propagation equations for sparse spin systems
P73.Rezaei SoghraStatistical property of earthquakes network: study active and passive points
P74.Sarao StefanoWinning the competition: enhancing counter-contagion in SIS-like Markov processes
P75.Weigel MartinMassively parallel Monte Carlo simulations with population annealing


Quantum many-body systems


P76.Alastuey AngelBreakdown of the Bose-Einstein condensation induced by long-range interactions within the Hartree-Fock approximation
P77.Deng ZehuiTriple-parabola approximation for interfacial properties of binary mixtures of Bose-Einstein condensates
P78.Dubail JeromeUniversal correlations of the one-dimensional delta Bose gas in a non-uniform trapping potential
P79.Fazzini SerenaNon-local orders and exotic phases in Hubbard-like low dimensional systems
P80.Ghavami BadieA self-consistent-field calculation for open systems such as graphene monoxide
P81.Guimaraes Dos Santos Pedro HenriqueNonequilibrium quantum XX spin chain under multisite Lindblad baths
P82.Kopec TadeuszBerezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition of ultracold atoms in optical lattice
P83.Parisen Toldin FrancescoCritical behavior in the presence of an order-parameter pinning field
P84.Rakov MykhailoPhase diagram of the spin-1 bilinear-biquadratic Heisenberg model with and without quadratic Zeeman effect
P85.Roosz GergoBose-Hubbard model with cavity back-action
P86.Rose FelixHiggs mode and conductivity in the vicinity of a quantum critical point
P87.Thibaut JeromeEntanglement properties of lattice bosons from a variational wave function


Quantum out-of-equilibrium  systems


P88.Alba VincenzoEntanglement and thermodynamics after a quantum quench in integrable systems
P89.Bogolyubov NikolaiResonant fluorescence in a monochromatically driven two-level quantum system with broken inversion symmetry
P90.Frerot IreneeEntanglement spreading and quantum relaxation timescales with power-law decaying interactions
P91.Guo LingzhenPhase Space Crystals from Periodically Driven One-dimensional Systems
P92.Holzmann MarkusTime-Dependent Variational Monte Carlo Calculation of Out-Of-Equilibrium Dynamics of Lieb-Liniger Bosons
P93.Klar HubertUnified treatment of threshold ionsation and Cooper pair formation in 2-electron atoms.
P94.Nespolo JacopoAndreev-Bashkin effect in superfluid cold-gases mixtures
P95.Nespolo JacopoOut of equilibrium dynamics across a discontinuous quantum phase transition
P96.Squizzato Davide KPZ equation for disordered out-of-equilibrium quantum systems coupled to a thermal bath
P97.Zouari Ahmed FatmaFluctuation properties and effective temperature of strongly interacting 1d bosons after a quench
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