Over the last decade spin ice materials, such as Dy 2 Ti 2 O 7 , have been at the centre of attention in the frustrated magnetism community. In particular, the development of the so-called Dumbbell model, which pictures the low energy excitations as magnetic charges interacting through a magnetic Coulomb force, has provided an elegant way to study these materials, thanks to a mapping from the easy-axis Ising spins on the pyrochlore lattice to charges on the dual diamond lattice [1]. In parallel, some of the most signicant progresses in non-equilibrium statistical mechanics in the last twenty years have come from the study of the uctuation dissipation ratio when the system of interest evolves out of equilibrium [2]. However, there is still no such study for spin ice. We fill this gap here. Using numerical simulations with local dynamics, we focus on the violation of the fluctuation-dissipation relation after a thermal quench for several physical observables such as the magnetization, the density of charges or the energy. This allows us to identify an aging regime in which we can extract effective temperatures and other characteristics of non-equilibrium thermodynamics.
[1] Castelnovo et al. , Magnetic monopoles in spin ice, Nature 451, 42-45, 2008
[2] Bouchaud et al. , Out of equilibrium dynamics in spin glasses and other glassy systems, arXiv:cond-mat/9702070v1, 1997