Probing the energy landscape of neural networks
Carlo Lucibello  1@  
1 : Politecnico di Torino [Torino]  (Polito)  -  Website
Politecnico di Torino - Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24 10129 Torino -  Italy

Training neural networks with very low precision synapses has long been
considered a challenging task even for the simplest neural architectures. In
this talk I'll present a series of results which emerged from a large-deviation
analysis using tools from Statistical Physics, which show that the training
problem can be made algorithmically very simple by maximizing a "local
entropy": explicitly seeking extensive regions in the space of configurations
with low energy. Such regions also have some highly desirable properties, in particular
very good generalization capabilities. These results appear to be rather
general with respect to the details of the underlying model and of the data,
and may be relevant biologically and technologically, as well as apply to other
inference and constraint satisfaction problems.
C. Baldassi, C. Borgs, J. Chayes, A. Ingrosso, C. Lucibello, L. Saglietti, and R. Zecchina.
"Unreasonable effectiveness of learning neural networks: From accessible states and robust
ensembles to basic algorithmic schemes", PNAS (2016)

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